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Steps rise of Trump.

Los pasos del ascenso de Trump

Since he announced his election bid last June, the Republican businessman has left America perplexed with his progress. These are some of the most important moments to understand his career.

July, 2015: "This may define the future of the Republican Party"

The Republican Party surrenders to the phenomenon Donald Trump. Unable to compete with the media attention aroused by the entrepreneur thanks to an uncontrollable verbosity, the other 15 candidates struggling to breathe. Even a strong man of the Republican establishment as Jeb Bush, with US $ 114 million in the coffers of his campaign, attacking Trump needs to get a headline these days. What started as a joke to which he gave no importance today is a whirlwind around which the Republican Party.

December 15, 2015: Veto Muslim immigrants

The Republican candidate asks to be temporarily suspended, but in a "full and complete", the entry of Muslim immigrants to the country. The tycoon made his proposal in a statement a few days after the shooting that killed 14 people in San Bernardino (California), considered by the Government as an act of terrorism. "While we can not determine and understand this problem and the threat it represents, our country can not continue to be victims of horrific attacks of people who only believe in jihad and they have no sense or respect for what it means human life "said the statement signed by Trump.

January 28, 2016: Trump boycotted the debate on Fox News

Donald Trump has opened a gap in the American right. New York tycoon and showman shatters every day the tenets of conservatism. The dialectic climbing with Fox News and the decision to boycott the debate that the television network organized in Des Moines (Iowa) are the latest example, but not alone. For any Republican candidate was taboo deal with Fox News, the highest body of media right.

Telling jokes with antisemitic tuff to members of the pro-Israel lobby, uttering profanities against women, mocking physically disabled ... The list is long tone outputs, and always emerges unscathed. Trump shatters the republican good (and good political) manual. When he declared war on Fox News at a press conference in Marshalltown, a municipality of 28,000 inhabitants in Iowa, Trump said he agreed with the normalization of relations with Cuba: another departure from the right-wing orthodoxy.

February 10, 2016: The US policy enters uncharted territory

Trump victories in Republican and Democratic primaries Sanders of New Hampshire were predictable, according to recent polls, but not its dimensions. They took about 20 points ahead of his closest rivals.

Trump, construction magnate and casinos and star of reality shows, is a man without political experience than in the past supported the Democrats. His first foray into politics was to give voice to the movement that questioned President Barack Obama had been born in the US. UU. and therefore had the right to hold office. Now he promises to build a wall along the border with Mexico, deporting the 11 million undocumented immigrants and close borders to Muslims.

1 March 2016: Trump Supermartes

"When we are united, no one, no one can beat us," his resort in Palm Beach (Florida) said at Mar-A-Lago. Trump said that has attracted Democratic voters and boasted of being a diplomatic person, open to negotiations. But, asked by the leader of Congress, Republican Paul Ryan, he predicted that Trump would get along with him, but if not, Ryan would have to "pay the price".

Super Tuesday results reflect the heterogeneity of the phenomenon Trump. The businessman won comfortably in the conservative and evangelical Southern states like Alabama and Georgia, but also in more moderate northern regions, such as Virginia and Massachusetts.

The most prosperous northeastern states have some of the greatest victories to Trump

Trump wins in the West and East, North and South. After three months of primaries, every day there is less doubt that he will be the Republican candidate for the White House, or the party -alarmado by the rise of a demagogue away from the conservative-orthodox will suffer a schism. Trump dominates the Republican race, but where it dominates with more comfort is in the Northeast, in states where the first European settlers settled in the seventeenth century, on the banks of rivers and coasts where the first large cities were built, at the heart of the Industrial Revolution.

The conservative elites are out of options to stop the magnate

The Republican Party resigns himself to Donald Trump to be its candidate in the November presidential election in the United States. New York tycoon and showman is a histrionic away from conservative orthodoxy. He will face, except unexpected accident, the likely Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton. The options to stop it with an alternative consensus candidate or the creation of a third party, are invalid. Republican elites are made to the idea that eventually will have to live with Trump.