


There is no doubt that over time causes deterioration of beings, whether animated or not. And that, by pure logic, a used vehicle, especially if it is older, offers less security than a new one. It seems, in principle, according to the latest study on the relationship between aging cars and accidents made by the Hotline Foundation.

 which, among other things, they show that the risk of death doubles in accidents involving older vehicles and that there were 30% more deaths in car accidents over 10 years in 2013 in claims that new vehicles.

However, in the field of security is more important car maintenance to the old you. "When it comes to avoid an accident, is more relevant vehicle maintenance if it's a new car," says the director of the foundation, Francisco Valencia. "An old car tires and dampers in good condition doubles the performance in braking and dodge obstacles that new one poorly maintained".

The study also shows that since the beginning of the crisis, the injury accidents cars featuring more than 15 years have increased over 78% compared to that recorded notable decline cars less than four years, a decrease of 43%.

Other findings provided by the analysis of more than 500,000 injury accidents recorded by the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) between 2008 and 2013 and more than 2.2 million roadside assistance made by the insurer Direct Line in the same period, is that in 40% of cases the displacement was for leisure and 54% of those responsible acknowledges having committed any infringement and, "being distracted driving" the most common.

The profile of injured Vintage car appears very clear in the study and is a "young man, between 18 and 25 years, and no professional driver." Also, 60% of injury accidents in this type of vehicle on the road happen, "especially in conventional ways," being launched collisions and off the road, the most frequent causes of accidents.

Among the study's findings, which include roadside assistance have increased by 40% in all segments since the beginning of the crisis, but in the case of cars with more than 10 years, have been multiplied by three. And it is also noteworthy that 20% of road vehicles damaged in an accident in six months.