

Hearing expels Advocacy of the Government

The second of the Provincial Court of Valencia section has issued a decree sent to the Bar of the Generalitat as a representative of Railways of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) as subsidiary civil responsibility for "lacking in this time of necessary procedural legitimacy".

The request for expulsion of Railways of the Generalitat Valenciana (FGV) of the criminal process that directs the Court of Instruction No. 21 Valencia came from the lawyers of the victims of the crash of 2006 meters, which discussed the legitimacy of the company operating service "to continue as party to the proceeding vicariously liable".

It adds that it can not be said to occur helplessness "when it has not yet exercised the civil action that could determine FGV vicarious liability".

In his written statement, the Bar of the Generalitat has justified its personación in the proceeding in which the public company which operates the subway service that had complaints against various leaders of FGV, including who was manager when the derailment occurred, Marisa Gracia, and other members of the board.

The Second Section has concluded, however, that "can not be equated, without more, FGV status with the accused in the case, even if these were their own employees."

Railway Safety Act

The Minister of Public Works, José María Salvador, announced the drafting of a law on Railway Safety pioneer in Spain. "Nothing is set in security, we reference a directive of the European Union of 2004 we intend to overcome our legislation," he explained.

Salvador has presided over the constitution of the advisory committee for the preparation of this law, which aims to introduce measures to guarantee and improve security. "According to the minister, there are three Spanish regions, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Basque Country, which have a law rail, "but standards in the railway sector are no specific rules on security. Nor is there much regulation in Europe in the field of security. "

The Minister of Public Works said that with the law the Valencian Agency of Security "shall be governed by the law will be created and will provide autonomy and an independent structure to ensure the necessary control mechanisms and to establish a valuation methodology Irrigation and continuous analysis ", stressed Salvador.