


What are the best MBA in Latin America?

EGADE Business School of Mexico, the business school of TEC de Monterrey, came in first place in the ranking of the Best Business Schools in Latin America by America Economia Intelligence about MBA programs, but followed by form intense by the University Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI) of Chile.

In the list this year was rated 41 educational institutions in 26 Latin American cities. ORT University of Uruguay is the local representative in the ranking and is at No. 23.

"In the case of the born at TEC de Monterrey school, its main strength is borne by its internationalization. That makes school more global businesses in the region, being the school that higher scores at the aggregate level obtained by the quality of its double degree agreements, mobility of students and academics, and the quality of its visiting professors, "said the director of America Economia Intelligence, Andrés Almeida.

Meanwhile, he adds, the UAI of Chile is strong in its power network, a dimension that analyzes the positions of the alumni of business schools, as their ability to place graduates in large companies with international vocation.

Regarding the remaining dimensions of analysis, two Chilean schools earned top scores. Business School of the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (PUC) gets the best returns in academic strength, considering, on the one hand, the qualification as to the amount and proportion of academics with PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) of full-time time, graduates of top business schools globally and, secondly, the experience index measuring the business career of part time teachers. This allows you to climb from fifth to fourth.

Meanwhile, the University of Chile (UCH) obtained the best scores on knowledge production, being the house of studies produces more research indexed in the ISI base Thomson Reuters, considering only the most important journals of academic research related to management . This also allows the UCH up one position: the seventh to sixth.

Those increases were also experienced sensitive Peruvian schools ranking. ESAN up two posts (13 ° to 11 °) and is within walking distance of the top 10, while Pacific University climbs from 16 ° to 12 °, in one of the steepest hikes.

These movements account for the evolution of Peruvian business education market, which tends to become more sophisticated in their academic offerings and internationalize.

Leaders by specialty

As for specialties, the study considers AméricaEconomía Intelligence teachers and academic research focused specifically on each of the seven main specialties of management, giving rise to seven subrankings.

In Economics, the podium Chilean school corresponds to the PUC. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Top 1 is obtained by the also Chilean Universidad del Desarrollo. Regarding Strategy and Ethics, he takes the laurels INCAE in Central America.

Regarding finance, UCH get the top spot. Marketing and Operations are also conquests of the UCH. Finally, Human Resources and Organizational Development, Top 1 is FGV.


To carry out its ranking, America Economia Intelligence 40% of the score awarded to the academic strength, evaluated according to two criteria. On the one hand, many teachers full time and quality of their education (80%); and secondly, partime number of teachers and their experience in the field of business.

A Knowledge production is given a 15% score, while 20% is allocated to internationalization.

ORT University's MBA highlighted

ORT University is ranked at number 23 in the ranking this year, falling two positions compared to 2015 (position 21) after an improvement on 2014, when he was at No. 34. The program of this university allows that about half of the credits (including electives and Business Plan) are directed to selected activities for each student. In addition, they offer multiple opportunities for international exchanges, from one week to nine months abroad, as indicated in the comments AméricaEconomía Intelligence ranking. The MBA program ORT University was the pioneer in Uruguay, when it began in 1991. Those pursuing an MBA in recent years are between 42% and 50% women have an average of 30-32 years and the most diverse professions. "The mere fact of being is proud because it puts Uruguay on the map of business schools in Latin America," said the academic coordinator of MBA Universidad ORT Uruguay, Luis Silva on Sunday.