

Credit News

How to know if I agree that subsidizes insurance mortgage.

Cómo saber si me convienen los seguros que bonifican la hipoteca

Banks try to place insurance and other products and services by the mortgage loan is not a secret. After this practice is legitimate claim to profitable customer and greater loyalty, seeking to exchange for finance you purchase your home is linked to the financial institution and concentrate its activities.

If the bank offers competitive mortgages and related products with a good cost-benefit, this form of cross-marketing is optimal. If in addition the office staff advising the client know in depth his work, both mortgage level and in relation to the complexity of insurance, the bet is definitely winning.

What banks sell insurance?

Banks are not insurance, but insurance agents, more specifically Operators Banking Insurance (OBS). Mediation activity performed using the distribution network of credit institutions; its knowhow answers the insurer accepts them as agents and it is this which must be reclaimed or report any situation related to the policy.

For example, to cancel insurance that no longer want to keep paying, do not expect it to be the bank that processes the low. Ramón Calvo, insurance agent explains that, pursuant to Article 22 of the Law of Insurance Contracts, notify irrefutably, with registered letter or burofax- the insurance, two months before the expiration -a from January 2016 this is reduced to a month-, you do not want to renew.

As insurance agents, banks can offer products of one or more insurance, the obligation to provide adequate training to the personnel office that is responsible for marketing policies. The information provided by the customer, by law, must be accurate and sufficient.