


The DeustoMBA is a premier international program aimed at people who have prior professional experience and want to gain knowledge and enhance skills to become business leaders in their respective countries. It has international accreditations first level and offers one of the best networking platform for professional development of graduates (70,000 alumni of the University of Deusto worldwide).

In the latest rankings released on May 19, 2014 by America Economia ranks among the top 20 MBA in the world. In August and September the next edition (beginning January 2015) candidates from different cities of the world through The MBA Tour will be presented.

The University of Deusto is a century-old educational institution, a pioneer in the formation of business leaders. In their classrooms they have studied people who have presided over and directed the main Spanish multinationals present in Latin America: Banco Santander, BBVA, Iberdrola, Telefónica, Repsol, Endesa, Iberia. It has exchange programs with over 110 universities in the world and partnerships with educational institutions world-class as Fordham University (New York, USA), INSEAD (France), Boston College (Boston, USA), Cambridge (UK) Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile), New York University (USA), etc.

The Deusto MBA enables people to make a quick and effective transition from a technical or functional role in general management. It is a full-time program developed for 16 months in three continents: Europe, on the campus of the University of Deusto in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain); a month in USA, Campus Fordham University in New York, where electives are developed; and five weeks in Asia or Africa, putting into practice what I learned in companies in emerging economies, developing the Service Learning.

The MBA offers students and teachers from different countries and cultures and is taught entirely in English. It provides a practical overview of business and a new approach to the theory of management that changes the attitude of the participants at the decision-making and gives them ideas, inspiration and a large network of contacts to enhance their careers.

The Deusto MBA offers students the opportunity to work with an Executive Coach (Executive Coaching) that helps students to identify the best possible way to achieve their personal and professional goals to enhance his career. This Coaching is complemented by a series of workshops and conferences on professional development that help students create an outstanding resume, increased awareness of career goals, practical tips to succeed in the selection process policy people, how to monetize the network contact, etc.

The process of selecting candidates for the next edition, which begins in January 2015, is open. The program offers a number of scholarships and grants are available to reduce tuition fees and preferential financing plans.