

MBA Online

Spanish business schools have a strong global character, and it shows both in the internationalization of its programs, launch subsidiaries abroad and participation of Latin American students in their classrooms.

Especially its Latin American students come from Argentina, Mexico and Chile, according to a recent report by the Spanish newspaper El Economista collected by iProfesional. Academic institutions point to these countries for their economic growth rates and facility gives students share the same language.

Some of the main Spanish business schools are very present in the region.

IE Business School has an MBA program with students from over 60 countries, which places the business school as one of the most diverse in the world. Of the total, 25% of students come from Latin America. The most represented are Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Brazil.

ESADE has alliances in the Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil), INCAE Business School (Costa Rica), Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile), University of the Pacific (Peru), Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), Universidad ORT (Uruguay) and Pontifical Catholic University (Argentina).

ESEUNE Business School received the mid-90s the first students of Latin America through the Basque Country in countries such as Chile or Argentina. According to The Economist, children and grandchildren of the Basque diaspora were attending Euskadi to study his MBA. The school has students from all countries of the American continent, from Canada to Argentina, except for Paraguay. ESEUNE is currently the only Spanish business school with its own campus in Tianjin (China) through a joint -Venture with local institutions.
The IEB has agreements in different countries of Latin America, highlighting the Sergio Arboleda University in Colombia, with which there is an exchange of students and Colombians Madrid campuses teachers. It also collaborates with the Externado of Colombia and the Tecnologico de Monterrey.

IEDE Business School belongs to the higher education network Laureate International Universities. He arrived in Chile in 1995, becoming its headquarters in Santiago on a platform to the Latin American market.