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Ecuador raised to 507 those killed in the earthquake and more than 4,000 wounded.

The teams of local and foreign rescue and search for survivors on the third day after the earthquake.

Ecuador faces a third day after the earthquake of 7.8 on the Richter scale that shook the country in search of life in the rubble. already they reached the first international rescue teams specialized in finding missing, including a Spanish military contingent, and urgent attention is paid to the victims. Until Tuesday there are 507 fatalities, according to the prosecution of Ecuador. In addition, there have been 107 missing, 4,605 ​​injured, 20,503 people in shelters, destroyed 805 buildings, 608 buildings affected and 146 schools affected, according to data from the Secretariat of Risk Management. The first 72 hours are vital to finding the missing alive.

The works are developed between aftershocks have been recorded 417 after the great earthquake of Saturday, the strongest achieved between 5.4 and 5.1 degrees. These are the latest developments related to the worst earthquake to hit Ecuador in 67 yearsHelp.
 The military contingent sent by Spain, with fifty members of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) (44 military and 12 firefighters) has arrived in Ecuador and are operating at two locations north of Manta. The government estimates that between Monday night and Tuesday morning more than 400 specialists have come ransom from Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Peru, El Salvador, Cuba, Bolivia, Mexico, to which must be added the aid Spanish and Argentina and Brazil, according to Ecuadorian Defense Minister Ricardo Patino, who is in charge of the overall coordination of the actions executed by the Ecuadorian government to help the victims.

The international aid has joined the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) preparing a flight with humanitarian assistance, which will start in the next 48 hours to help people displaced by the catastrophic earthquake in Ecuador. The first plane will depart from Copenhagen bound for the Ecuadorian capital, Quito, shall be charged with material necessities, among which include 900 tents, plastic sheeting, 15,000 sleeping mats, cooking utensils and, given the Zika risk of contracting the virus, 18,000 mosquito nets impregnated with repellent.

Victims: The Government of Ecuador has risen to 499 the provisional death toll at 4,027 and that of the wounded. The Public Ministry has issued a document with the names of those killed have been identified in Pedernales, Portoviejo, Manta, and Sucre (Canoa, Bahia and Rocafuerte), the most affected by the earthquake.

Missing: The missing there 83 Colombian citizens, country from which seven fatalities, according to the Ecuadorian Andes public agency. In the last hours, the search and rescue teams have found alive five people who remained in the rubble of a shopping center in the Ecuadorian city of Manta, according to Europa Press.

Basic needs: The distribution of water, food and basic necessities will extend beyond the call "ground zero", according to Defense Minister Ricardo PatiƱo. So far they had covered the most destroyed areas but there are also areas without electricity, running water or open institutions where the population has no access to basic needs. Now, everything you need in community policing units will be distributed, similar to local police headquarters, neighbors of the environment.

Economic damage: Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, has been estimated at about 3,000 billion dollars (nearly 2,650 million) losses caused. This figure represents 3% of GDP. "It is a long struggle that I invite you to not lose heart," said the president.

Reconstruction: The economic impact of terremoso of Ecuador will be "huge" in the country's GDP, as recognized by the Government. "We have to rebuild Pedernales, Portoviejo, Manta ... That will take months, years and cost hundreds, probably thousands of millions of dollars," said the president. Red Cross estimates that between 70,000 and 100,000 people will require some assistance and between 3,000 and 5,000 require emergency shelter.

Aftershocks: Correa has called on the hundreds of people who remain outdoors for fear of aftershocks over 300 go to shelters. "We understand that situation, but can not last over time," he argued. According to the president, shelters will be "temporary, medium-term" because "we must tear down those structures that are in poor condition and rebuild new homes, perhaps new neighborhoods for families who lost their houses".

Insecurity: Given the voices that speak of thefts and security problems in the affected areas, Patino recalled that there are 10,000 military and 6,000 police deployed to ensure the welfare of citizens. In any case, they hope that with the restoration of electrical service and thereby, street lighting, increase the sense of security.

small towns: The inhabitants of small towns on the north coast manabita claim that the aid is not being channeled into if not exclusively, to the largest cities. "In Crespa, he has not come and the mayor. A girl died here alone, but all houses have collapsed. Trucks with food diverted to the Pedernales and do not let them get here, "despairs Nury Moreira, who is with his family in the field.